Saturday, January 19, 2008

Pub Crawl

Yesterday on the 18th Jan, there is this event called pub crawl. Its called "pub crawl" because you are supposed to crawl back home at the end of the event haha.. The idea is to visit all the 13 student nation pubs in Uppsala and drink a mug of beer at every one of them. Luckily we didn't have time to go to all the pubs, had only like 8 drinks, survived! I was really happy that day, because that I was phrased by an Aussie and Canadian that I speak really good English! haha I was so shocked!
Also, I think I really can get along well with "ang mors". Just the first day meeting at the pubs, I was treated to drinks by one American and Dutch! That American even called me today to ask where I was going! And ya something surprising was, we drank the same amount of beer, and that American and Canadian got so tipsy, when I was still ok! All thanks to the training from my brothers in SG!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I did a "Pub Crawl" last summer in Hastings (England) It was really funny but we could drink four mugs of beer only. I tasted a type of beer that It was really disgusting because It was made in the own Pub so the owners put the ingredients of the beer in a barrel and they leave it to ferment. The result is something like pee. I tasted one of them but the next drink was Foster, of course.
Regards from Spain.